
Execu-med is a 24 hour medical care facility, with 3 meals prepared daily by a qualified Cordon Bleu Chef with international experience and friendly support staff.

Welcome to Execu- Med Sub
Acute Facility (PTY) Ltd

Execu-med is a 24 hour medical care facility, with 3 meals prepared daily by a qualified Cordon Bleu Chef with international experience and friendly support staff.

Welcome to Execu- Med Sub
Acute Facility (PTY) Ltd

Execu-med is a 24 hour medical care facility, with 3 meals prepared daily by a qualified Cordon Bleu Chef with international experience and friendly support staff.

Welcome to Execu- Med Sub
Acute Facility (PTY) Ltd
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About Execu- Med Sub Acute Facility (PTY) Ltd

Execu-med is a 24 hour medical care facility, with 3 meals prepared daily by a qualified Cordon Bleu Chef with international experience and friendly support staff.

Strategy and Vision:

Vision Statement:

Our patients are managed by a multi-disciplinary team that consist of a medical doctor, different nursing categories, physiotherapists, social worker, and a dietician. The facility is well equipped with appropriate medical equipment in accordance with the patient’s needs.

Mission Statement:

Each patient is first assessed by a medical practitioner whilst in hospital before admission, to ensure appropriate treatment plan. On admission our fully trained team is ready to assist and support the patients in their recovery. Giving the patient and their family peace of mind, that they are being cared for and are in capable hands.